Live Outside The Box
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Meet the bioceramic geodesic home. Slash your cost of living, optimize your health, reconnect with the Earth, and create the future you imagine.

Live Outside the Box
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Modern Natural Homes
Open Floor Plans • High Ceilings • Earthing Floors • Abundant Natural Light • Biophilic Design • 360 Views Into Nature
Peace of Mind
Bioceramic domes are designed to be safe-havens. The geodesic form withstands hurricanes and earthquakes, while the ceramic material resists fires and floods. With nothing for insects to eat and no place for mold to grow, bioceramic domes offer new levels of safety and resilience.

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Welcome to the Geodesic Future
Bioceramic Composites
Geoship technology starts with a revolutionary new family of materials called bioceramics, mimicking the composition of human bone. Experience the home as an integrated product, every component precision engineered to maximize efficiency and beauty. Are you ready for a quantum leap in homebuilding?

Reconnect with the Earth
Bioceramic domes combine the natural chemistry of bone with the ancient flower of life geometry. Imagine living in a home designed to align with the rhythms of your body and the natural world. This is regenerative architecture designed to support whole person healing.
Maximum Efficiency for
Off-Grid Living
Bioceramic domes are highly efficient, offering an estimated 70% reduction in heating and cooling costs compared to conventional homes. Designed to be ready for off-grid living, Geoship homes can be equipped with optional battery packs, water filtering and reuse systems, aquaponic gardens, and waterless toilets.

Natural Homes

Regenerative Villages

Creative Studios

Retreat Centers

Live Outside The Box
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Live Outside The Box

Connected With The Natural World
Open Floor Plans • High Ceilings • Earthing Floors • Abundant Natural Light • Biophilic Design • 360 Views Into Nature

Low Carbon
Reduction in Co2 Emissions
Less Onsite Waste
Bioceramic domes are designed to last for centuries. Our commitment to future generations means partnering with the Earth—to live within her processes—and be stewards of the regenerative future.
Built for Future Generations

Open Floor Plans • High Ceilings • Earthing Floors • Abundant Natural Light • Biophilic Design • 360 Views Into Nature •
Connected With The Natural World

Live Outside The Box
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Live Outside The Box
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