Invest in the New Paradigm of Affordable Sustainable Homes

Let's Build the Regenerative Future
Become a co-owner in Geoship, starting at just $222.
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Investors building a better future

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The best companies are built on bold ideas paired with smart founders. That's Geoship. The founders, Morgan and Bas, are among the smartest, most passionate individuals I've met. That includes my 25+ years in Silicon Valley high-tech. Add to that their vision for something beyond a 'product' -- even a mold-breaking product like the Geoship bioceramic dome. This is a revolutionary change to the way the world builds housing -- environmentally -- and lives in community. That warrants my investment.”
Laurence Loper
“I believe in the magic of geodesic structures as homes, and their potential to transform the modern abode in a radically positive way. Geoship's inherently scalable injection molded, 3d printed bio-ceramic polymer components changes the game with geodesic dome structures. Geoship is tapping into a revolution in dome living, while innovating significantly & solving the constraints of complex wood joinery, vinyl covers / roof leaks, and the challenge of insulating current geodesic dome options.”
Ashley Carter
“I have been very interested in Geoship since I first heard of them about 3 years ago. I love what they are trying to do and how they are doing it. The housing problems in the western world are many and I believe Geoship are going a long way to sorting some them out. We need safe, clean, affordable environmentally friendly homes. I believe Geoship will deliver.”